Analisis Hasil Uji Kompetensi pada Peserta Pelatihan Tenaga Kesehatan Haji Kloter Embarkasi BTH di Bapelkes Batam Tahun 2023
Hajj Health Workers have a very important role in
providing assistance to pilgrims. To carry out their
duties according to their roles and functions, they are
trained through Training. In 2023, Bapelkes Batam
held the training of Hajj Health Workers of Batam
Embarkation. As an important part of training,
evaluation of learning outcomes is an important
instrument for measuring the effectiveness of training programs
and achieving competence according to training objectives. The objectives of this
study were to analyze and described participant’s competence profile of: (1)
achievement of skills competence, (2) achievement of soft skill competence, and
(3) to test whether there is difference of competency of group of participants with
medical and nursing background. The study was designed with a quantitative
descriptive approach to 20 participants using descriptive statistical analysis
techniques. The findings showed: (1) participants have skill and soft skill
competencies above the minimum score 80, (2) there is difference in competency
achievement based on participant’s profession as doctor and nurse on skill
competencies, but no significant difference of soft skill competencies.
Detail Information
Item Type |
Karya Tulis Ilmiah
Penulis |
dr. Desy Ariani G., M.Biomed - Personal Name
Student ID | |
Dosen Pembimbing | |
Penguji | |
Kode Prodi PDDIKTI | |
Edisi |
Departement | |
Kontributor | |
Bahasa |
Penerbit | Bapelkes Batam : Batam., 2023 |
Edisi |
Subyek | |
No Panggil | |
Copyright |
Individu Penulis
Doi |